5 Hot Water Cylinder Suppliers in New Zealand🥇

Hot Water Cylinder Suppliers in New Zealand

The winters are getting colder without a doubt, the ravages of the winter air is more reason than ever to have a good and righteous hot water cylinder installed in the home. The costs are getting lower for a good and reliable one after all, and there seems to be no end of choices for the company to go with in terms of having the right hot water system delivering piping hot and refreshing showers for you and yours.

There is so much choice in our little island nation, that there seems to be a little bit of confusion we find in the realm of choice and possibility pertaining to the right company for the job. Each one seems to offer the very best in terms of service, quality and efficacy. Well, that’s advertising for you I suppose, that being said, we should point out that while there may be a large array of different choices, there are few and far that truly deliver the hot water cylinder systems you so desire for your home with any real impact.

We’ve delved into the thick of it to find the very best, the truly wonderful and worthwhile hot water cylinder providers of New Zealand, crafting a list of our particular top choices so that you don’t have to.

Top 5 choices for hot water cylinder suppliers in New Zealand:

1. The Cylinder Guy

The Cylinder Guy

The Cylinder Guy is topping our list for the simple reason that they are the best of the rest. We have a lot of respect for companies that get straight to brass tacks and leave the nonsense at the door. They have a stories history of providing a bravado and professionalism that brings a smile and a warm shower to anyone they service.

The no nonsense approach that is noticeable with the Cylinder Guy company is palpable, they wear their prices on their sleeve and make no attempt at holding any excess fees – in fact, they outright call out the competitors who do in fact throw a few extra bones in the backyard. Their range is pretty impressive as well, with all the larger brands being covered as well as their own workmanship getting the seal of approval and vote of confidence with a year guarantee for any work that has been done by them.

The Cylinder Guy may not be the biggest name in hot water cylinders for New Zealand, but for us, the top spot goes to the company that isn’t hiding behind a sense of bravado and self-importance, they give a clear and concise note on what they offer and what they can bring to you and yours.

In the end a hot water cylinder should be simple enough to track down and install – in a world of crazy over-zealous competitors trying to sell you the world, The Cylinder Guy simply sells you the best.

2. Peter Cocks

Hot water cylinder

Peter Cocks is one of those original, salt of the earth type of companies that simply has the charm we enjoy. Their site is simple enough to navigate and they too offer a range of useful services related to hot water cylinders themselves. They may not be the installation services rendered, but they certainly have the supply of good and wholesome cylinders that have the added caveat of being owned by Rheem, one of the larger and well renowned companies related to all things hot water. The Peter Cocks steel cylinders are hefty enough to be considered heavy-duty, being reliable and exactly what you and your family need.

In our research with Peter Cocks, we have found they keep their satisfaction promise and maintain a good reputation in the community and installation community of New Zealand. With the rise in technological advances, Peter Cocks has maintained a good and hearty competitive edge in terms of keeping up with the younger companies – never wavering from a challenge they employ a high-grade quality steel build for longevity as well as future proofing with the anticipation that the times will invariably change, they’re ready for it all it seems.

For a company that’s over 50 years in the business, Peter Cocks is certainly standing strong amongst the competitors with no sign of slowing down.

3. Plumbing Plus

Plumbing Plus

Plumbing Plus takes the number 3 spot with a vengeance, the Australasian company has a wide berth and range of services in their repertoire. Certainly one of the more famous companies on our list, their range is pretty diverse in terms of suppliers and quality of their hot water cylinders, working closely with large manufacturers to ensure that the latest and greatest in in their employ.

Being a large and encompassing company, they do have a range of different offerings in the market of plumbing and heating services, so not only do they provide more than adequate hot water cylinders, they also cover a range of different bathroom accessories and addendums.

They would be higher on our list, but we felt a special connection with our number 1 due to the nature of their straightforwardness and detraction from the norm, while Plumbing Plus offers a great and diverse range of deals and brands from a variety of locations in NZ and Australia, we just couldn’t get past the lack of personality found in the site itself.

It’s still number 3 so we are still mightily impressed with them. Having a quick FAQ and fast response time to our queries was also a bona fide bonus point to be added to their site and the site setup itself was clean and easy to navigate. Their services also come very highly recommended from the people we talked to regarding it.

4. Hot Water Cylinders NZ

Hot Water Cylinders NZ is another one of the no nonsense titled companies in the great land. Not much to complain about with this particular company, they offer all the bells and whistles commonly associated with all things hot water. They have a decent little range of different supply companies and offer the full service with inclusions of low pressure cylinders, gas water coverage as well as mains pressure cylinders with all the ability and knowhow to switch around at a whim.

This sort of all-encompassing service is impressive enough, not to mention their excessive range of locations and coverage circles around the country being furthermore impressive.

Their site is also something to behold in many respects, holding all the answers we needed in a simple to read and elegant package of information. Their deals are also quite impressive with a range of discounted items for those looking to heat up their water for a little less than standardised pricing.

5. The Hot Water Company

Hot Water Cylinders NZ

The Hot Water Company is the self-proclaimed home of hot water for New Zealand, an impressive little stat to say the least from the get-go, but it didn’t wow us with their warmth as much as the previous entrants on the list. That being said, the supply they are able to offer is quite impressive to be included on the list regardless.

Having a range of packages which include the installation as part of the cost was a bona fide bonus point for us, the site itself was a little difficult to navigate but once we got the ball rolling w were quite impressed with the range of informative aspects we were able to ascertain. They were also one of the few suppliers and installation experts we found that wore their reviews on their sleeve and had a live link to their latest reviews to give everyone a more transparent understanding of their inner workings which got bonus points from us as well.

Not much we can fault the company with, their prices are reasonable enough and they have a healthy allotment of locations and coverage zones as well. It’s more about the budget and their particular brands as to whether or not it is to your fancy.

Some Final Tips For Your Journey Into The Wonderful World Of Hot Water Cylinders

Before you start searching through our well-researched list of suppliers and installation services, it’s good to have a few last-minute tactics to ensure you’ll be getting the best possible service and the hottest possible water at your convenience.

Having a budget is one of the more vital points we can offer for you, different companies will offer different brands and services at different rates, this comes down to the size in many respects. Which conveniently leads us to yet another consideration to have which is the size of the hot water cylinder you’ll need, depending on if you have a large family that loves their hot showers or if you’re living alone and simply need the minimum, having a scaled idea of how much hot water you’ll need is a wise starting point for when you come across the different options available.

It also goes without saying that having a reputable company at your disposal is the wise choice for not being left in the cold.