5 Best Barristers in Tauranga🥇

Below is a list of the top and leading Barristers in Tauranga. To help you find the best Barristers located near you in Tauranga, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.

Tauranga’s Best Barristers:

The top rated Barristers in Tauranga are:

  • David Weaver – Tauranga Chambers
  • Bill Nabney, Barrister
  • Rita Nabney – Employment Lawyer
  • Ewan Eggleston | Family Lawyer Tauranga
  • Nathan Smith Barrister

David Weaver – Tauranga Chambers

David Weaver is a highly-qualified barrister conducting legal consultations to clients within and outside New Zealand. He has an LLM degree major in tax and commercial law from Auckland University as well as an LLB degree major in law and economics from Waikato University. David previously worked for IRD as one of its senior lawyers where he learned about the taxation system, tax investigations, tax debt and criminal cases related to tax issues. He was permitted to practice by the New Zealand bar in 2004 and remains to be one of the few practising law barristers in the country. David is currently practising at Tauranga Chambers.


IRD Investigations, Tax Debt Resolution, Tax Disputes, Civil Tax Litigation, Insolvency And Criminal Tax Matters, General Tax Advice


Address: 36 Willow Street, Tauranga 3110
(475) 790-405


“We had been in negotiation with IRD for nearly 2 years with fines and interest increasing all the time. We had left the negotiations to our accountant which proved to be fruitless.
IRD had decided to instigate court action and a tax lawyer was our last option (should have been the first in hindsight) and we feel genuinely lucky to have found David Weaver and Tauranga Chambers. It is not an understatement to say he has saved our family a massive financial burden that would have been present for years to come. Use these guys – awesome to deal with and top tier lawyers.” –David Wilson

Bill Nabney, Barrister

Bill Nabney graduated with an LLB degree with honours from Waikato University. After being admitted to the New Zealand bar, he immediately commenced with criminal law practice. He has more than 20 years of experience in the criminal law field and specializes in serious matters like sexual offending, murder and drug offences. As part of the Tauranga Chambers team in the Bay of Plenty region, he is in charge of the criminal law department. His jury trials and courtroom experiences can help clients through the complicated legal process.


Criminal Law, From Serious Assaults, Murder, Drug Offending, Sexual Offending


Address: 36 Willow Street, Tauranga 3110
 (475) 790-405


“Way Back in 2003 I was in a tough position where I needed legal help, Bill came through 100% over a 2 plus year matter.. forever grateful for the excellent help.” –S. Miller

Rita Nabney – Employment Lawyer

Rita Nabney has a nursing degree, MBA and a law degree with honours from Waikato University. She is based in Tauranga, New Zealand working for the Tauranga Chambers legal firm. Her areas of specialization lie in employment and criminal law matters. Rita’s employment law expertise includes unjustifiable dismissals, personal grievances, redundancy, disciplinary action and workplace conflicts. Her criminal law experience focused mainly on sexual offending, theft and assault cases. She can also help with traffic offences such as limited licence applications and excess breath alcohol.


Criminal Law, Traffic Law, Employment Law


Address: 36 Willow Street, Tauranga 3110
(475) 790-405


“Very professional, Rita is the best!” –Janette Caddigan

Ewan Eggleston | Family Lawyer Tauranga

Ewan Eggleston holds a bachelor’s degree in social science major in psychology and an LLB degree from Waikato University. He proceeded with a masters in international law at the faculty of law of Sydney University. The experienced family lawyer started his career in 1998 working for legal firms based in Rotorua and South Auckland. He transferred to a law firm in Sydney Australia in 2003 and became one of its partners in 2008. Ewan returned to New Zealand in 2010 and pursued a barrister sole practice in 2013 at Tauranga.


Parenting, Adoption And Oranga Tamariki, Estate And Trust Matters, Relationship Property, Trans-Tasman Issues, Legal Aid, Instructions


Address: 2/30 Willow Street, Tauranga 3110
(479) 284-360


“Had given us the perfect advice and recommendation. Thanks!” –Earnest T.

Nathan Smith Barrister

Nathan Smith holds a double degree in social science and law with majors in law, economics, politics and geography. He is a member of the New Zealand Law Society and the New Zealand Bar Association. Nathan was the former vice president of the Waikato Bay of Plenty NZ Law Society Branch Council and was also awarded a Kensington Swan Scholarship for his exemplary performance. He is currently on independent practice specializing in business and property matters. The barrister sole based in Tauranga, New Zealand has more than 10 years of work experience from provincial and national firms.


Contracts, Leases, Residential & Commercial Property, Building & Construction Including Leaky Homes, Insurance, Company & Director’s Liability, Shareholders Disputes, Mediations, Adjudications, Arbitrations & Civil Litigation


Address: 18 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3110
(475) 714-020


“Janine and I, (and I am sure the rest of the group will agree with us) we so much appreciate your efforts in assisting us though this challenge, particularly your professional approach to dealing/ negotiating with the council/lawyers, and to have it wrapped up in 8 months is pretty damned good, particularly when you compare to other cases with leaky homes/ building issues going on around the country, with some cases dragging on for many years. Janine and I had already started to prepare ourselves mentally and financially for the long haul and to have this all wrapped up before this Christmas is great.” –Philip and Janine