A new Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy TV Show is coming


The classic science fiction series penned by Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is one again coming to the big screen. Hulu have announced they are developing an on-screen portrayal with ABC.

Because of its long-standing popularity, Hulu hopes to capitalise on its already well-established fan-base. The series has changed lives over the years. Yet it goes without saying that previous stints of success does not guarantee future success. Lets just look at the failed The Last Airbender movie which came off the back of the critically acclaimed TV show. The hope is to charm audiences just like previous renditions did many years ago.

Contrary to popular opinion, Douglas Adams started his series as a comedic radio series. Later being inspired to novelise the popular series. Science fiction comedy is hard to make, with only a handful of people having mastered the niche genre.

As many know, the plot revolves around the human Arthur Dent who is later rescued by the unorthodox alien Ford Prefect. From their initial encounter, they begin their quirky adventures as they begin their journey across the galaxy. It will be interesting to see the casting choices for these roles. Rumours by Deadline show that the series will be given by Carlton Cuse who also helped in the production of Marvel’s Wonder Woman.

Douglas Adams himself has had a very interesting work life having with the famous comedy group the Monty Pythons as a sketch writer. Disney still currently holds the rights to the story since the 2005 Touchstone Pictures rendition.

Only time will tell whether this classic story will live up the previous high standards. A new format always presents interesting opportunities to expand how the story will be presented to viewers.